// [TORO] a Torque Controlled Humanoid Robot ~ EDUCATION & TECHNOLOGY

Tuesday 7 April 2015

[TORO] a Torque Controlled Humanoid Robot

In the past few months, we have covered many exciting robots here. The TORO is another exciting robot that was developed as a research platform for walking and whole body control. This torque-controlled humanoid robot has a total 39 degrees of freedom and can be operated in position and torque-controlled modes.
The robot has 25 joints and prosthetic hands with 12 DoF in total. It has stereo cameras and force/torque sensors at the ankles and two IMUs at its trunk and head. As you can see in the above video, the robot is capable of performing dynamic walking. There is a lot to like here. We can’t wait to see how this robot improves in the future.


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